Monday, February 11, 2008

Rory's Week with Spencer and Family

Rory had a very exciting week with Spencer. He met Hamish the dog and spent some time relaxing infront of the television. He helped to make delicious pancakes with Spencer's mum- we just hope that he left some for the family! Rory was also able to share in Spencer's dad's birthday celebrations though he is keeping quiet about Daddy Cunningham's age! At the weekend he helped in the garden. Look out for a slide show of Rory's week with Spencer coming soon..............

Monday, February 04, 2008

Rory spends the week with Jamie

This weekend, Rory had lots of fun with Jamie. On Saturday, Rory went to Gran and Grandpa’s farm near Muthill. Rory went for a walk down to the river and in the woods. Rory helped Jamie collect sticks to make a Harry Potter broomstick. Later, Rory had a ride on Jamie’s sister’s horse Beebs and helped Jamie feed the calves. However, Rory was a bit scared of the farm cats that thought he was a tasty mouse! Rory also helped Jamie choose a new pair of school shoes. On Sunday, Rory helped do the food shopping in Perth. In the supermarket, Rory’s favourite aisle was the biscuit one and he also liked reading the magazines. He seemed very good at putting things in the shopping trolley! Rory then met Jamie’s rabbits Wizard and Fudge.

Kia Ora decides to Extend her Holiday

Kia Ora went on a very exciting holiday to South Africa with Ben. She did all sorts of exciting things like whale watching. In fact Kia Ora liked it so much that she decided to spend some more time in South Africa and sent us her friend Rory the Rhino instead from South Africa. Rory is settling in well and is being looked after by all of the children in L2W.